Get to know SCORE-Ventura. Become a part of the fan-base to be in on many free and low-cost services for Small Business.
See a service here that interests you? Go to or phone: 805-204-6022 or email:
At SCORE-Ventura, receive skilled one-on-one counseling with an experienced professional specialized in the area of your business need. This service is ideal when you're considering a business idea and want assessment before getting started.
For an example, go to the home page of this site and check out the blog section where Counselor, Curtis Davis describes his approach to the planning process.
As you'll see when you get to know SCORE, the Counselors are sticklers for planning before launching into business. They'll show you how your plan is your road map on your path to business success. Your SCORE Counselor has access to business plan templates to help you create your outline and plenty of experience to provide guidance as you fill in the details such as:
- Your business purpose and mission
- Your business description
- Your Marketing Plan
- Your Management/Operating Plan
- Financials
- Sources and Uses of Cash
If you are ready to start-up your own business or expand an existing one but lack of funding is holding you back, talking to a SCORE Counselor might be just the answer. SCORE-Ventura works to keep its finger on the pulse of who's lending. Counselors, experienced in the business lending process are able to share insights and provide guidance as you go through the application process.
They'll tell you that having a written plan is crucial if you expect to be granted funding from a lending institution. . .another good reason to put a sound plan in place.
Throughout SCORE's client-base, you'll hear one testimonial after another telling of the close, caring attention provided by SCORE Counselors. The organization is driven by 13,000 volunteers nationwide with more than 300 Chapters across the United States and in Ventura County, SCORE-Ventura has more than 30 business professional ready to help.
Before leaving this site, be sure to check out the video page where you'll hear testimonials, first-hand, from SCORE clients who've received valuable assistance and encouragement to move forward in their business.
Thanks to the generosity of SCORE's network of volunteers, and numerous partner-sponsors, these services are made available for FREE and low-cost.

In addition to the ongoing series of low-cost workshops, SCORE puts on free seminars covering some of the hottest business topics of the day so that small business has tips, tools, new ideas and good understanding of how to win in business.

Stay up-to- date, by making it a part of your business-building routine to visit SCORE-Ventura's official site:
Here, you'll find tips, templates and details to keep you in-the-know and connected within the SCORE-Ventura community and you can sign-up for workshops and events.
Questions? Contact: 805-204-6022 or email: